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Braiding Pathways

the catalyst for community vision

Home: Welcome

Who We Are

Braiding Pathways works in partnership with communities to facilitate opportunities that support the individual & collective outcomes for success, health and happiness they envision for themselves.

Home: Who We Are

Sample Programming

Working in partnership with communities, we design, coordinate and facilitate programming that meets a wide variety of needs and visions for success. Here are some examples of ongoing or past work that we have done with communities. If you have a vision that goes beyond these samples, please get in touch with us and we will be happy to work with you.


Chef On Call

Cooking & recipe skills and food knowledge, led by a trained Chef.

Land-Based Programming

Wilderness survival skills, canoeing, camping trips and outdoor activities, guided by an experienced Indigenous outdoorsman.

Through Your Lens

Digital storytelling workshops that cover elements of film & photography, storyboarding, interviewing skills and youth voice, co-facilitated by an artist trained in PhotoVoice

Home: What We Do

Contact Braiding Pathways

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